Saturday, November 1, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
An Official Oregon Driver's License!!!!!
I now am the proud owner of an Official Oregon Driver's License!!!!! and it is good till August 2016. So, I am now official.... what an ordeal it has been. So, I don't have to go in for another 8 years...and who knows where I will be 8 years from now.... what does the Lord have in mind?
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The saga of the renewing driver's license.......
Well, I gathered all my important papers, including my much anticipated marriage license from Alaska, and headed to the DMV during lunch to get my driver's licensed renewed. It was suppose to be renewed by August 11th........It was a DMV close to my work as the one I usually use, close to where I live, is closed on Saturdays and I work Monday through Friday outside the home. So, I go, quite proud of myself for finally having ALL my paperwork in hand, stand in line for 20 minutes (not bad) and then to have the lady tell me at the counter..."I am sorry but the machine for taking pictures is broken statewide, so you will not be able to renew your license today. Well....needless to say, another character building moment the Lord sent my way..... I walked out thinking.... maybe I am not suppose to be driving? HA! So... I will try again...tomorrow is another day, Scarlett......
Sunday, October 12, 2008
A New Bible...
Today, I bought a new Bible.... It is with some sadness that I put away my old one. I have used it for nine years now and it is marked up with all sorts of things that the Lord has shown me during these last 9 years. But, I am in a new season of my life..... a season where the old is good but will not do....I want fresh revelation, fresh insights, fresh touches, fresh annointings from the Lord. It seems like I would always find myself drawn to those marked up pages in my old Bible and reminsce about what the Lord showed me..... that is good, and yet, I don't want to live there. I want to remember, but I want to go on...and so today, I start afresh...and my heart carries so much excitement at what the Lord wants to reveal to me through this new copy of scripture I just acquired. So, I have put the "security blanket" away..... even though I will refer to it from time to time...and now eagerly look ahead.....
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
No Driver's License This Week
I was going to go to the DMV on Friday to renew my license, but instead will be going to another funeral Friday afternoon. Our friend lost his precious wife this last weekend to cancer. And then after the funeral I am headed to our Women's Retreat from our church for the weekend. What an array of emotions this weekend holds. I so am looking forward to just being in His presence. I am asking the Lord to speak to my heart clearly those things He longs to say and for my heart to be open and listen.....I'll keep you posted!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Alaska Marriage Certifcate...
Today it finally came in the mail! I can now go and renew my Oregon Driver's license. What an ordeal. It took the State of Alaska 6 weeks to mail it to me, when it's website said 14 days..... Oh well, must be busy up there in Juneau. So, on Friday, I am taking off of work early and will head to the DMV, take my number, and stand and line and smile for the camera! WALA, it will be another "darling" picture I am sure, that I will be carrying around in my wallet for the next 8 years! ♥
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Friendships and Funerals......
I attended a funeral yesterday. In the last two weeks I have lost two dear friends, who I have been touched by, immensely. I sat through the funeral thinking, "These are getting way too common in my life these days". What is it? Since turning 50, I have found myself in this season of life where we begin to attend more funerals than weddings. It makes one become very reflective. The first funeral I can remember that had a big impact on me, was my mother. It was 16 years ago and I was only 38 years old. As I sit at these funerals, my heart weeps for the ones who are weeping. There is nothing you can say or do to heal the pain. You cannot give them what they really want... their loved one back. All you can do is weep with them and be there. I also relfect on the people that I still have in my life and how much I want them to know I love them. I don't want to wait until it is to late to tell them. I want to appreciate the moments with them, stay in touch with them, pray for them and let them know what they mean to me in my life. We just don't know how much time we have. In a single moment, life can change. In the same reflective mood I find myself in, I also think of, what do I want people to remember me for? As I have dreams and goals in my heart, I recognize I am the only one able to choose to make those come true. .... . well, I just don't wake up one morning and WALA.... I have become that woman my heart desires... No, it takes choices on my part, discipline and a relationship with Jesus that I must keep relevant and real. I must choose to walk in His Spirit. So, again today, I am asking for His grace, repenting of my own sins that would be hindrances and pursuing my heart's desires. Yes, funerals are reflecting moments.... may I have Sally's zest for life and smile and have Willa's sweet spirit as I choose and pursue to make those choices in my life that will fulfill the desires of my own heart.
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