Sunday, October 12, 2008

A New Bible...

Today, I bought a new Bible.... It is with some sadness that I put away my old one. I have used it for nine years now and it is marked up with all sorts of things that the Lord has shown me during these last 9 years. But, I am in a new season of my life..... a season where the old is good but will not do....I want fresh revelation, fresh insights, fresh touches, fresh annointings from the Lord. It seems like I would always find myself drawn to those marked up pages in my old Bible and reminsce about what the Lord showed me..... that is good, and yet, I don't want to live there. I want to remember, but I want to go on...and so today, I start afresh...and my heart carries so much excitement at what the Lord wants to reveal to me through this new copy of scripture I just acquired. So, I have put the "security blanket" away..... even though I will refer to it from time to time...and now eagerly look ahead.....


Michelle Simpson Photos said...

Hey Terri! Just wanted to say hello! This is Michelle Simpson, Bob Craig's daughter. Loving your blog!

God's Girl said...

I just stopped by your blog and was encouraged by it. I, too, am a Pastor's wife and I, too, had to recently get a new Bible. I totally know what you mean. : )

May the Lord bless you in amazing ways. Have a wonderful Sunday.