Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Trip Down Melancholic Lane....

As I was waiting to board a flight today, I was glancing out into the waiting area and saw a family with small children. They reminded me of our little family when we were raising our 3 little kiddies.

I wanted to step back in time, and redo it. Redo their childhood years and:

cuddle them more

worry less about the "clean" house and let them have fun

care less about what people thought

not trying to make them "perfect"

not trying myself to be the "perfect" parent

minister GRACE, abundant Grace and less legalism

There is so much I wish I could redo and not have let the moments pass without cherishing and appreciating each one. It seems like when the children are small, we are so caught up in the everyday things that need to be done. Laundry, dishes, meals, etc... I wish I would of taken the time to be and enjoy each moment with my kiddies...

I have often wondered why the Lord gives us children when we are young and selfish and immature and lack wisdom. I know one reason why we have them when we are young, because we are too tired when we are older to handle the demands of continuous action and questions.

I know the Lord redeems. I know He has covered all my mistakes and errors as a parent and sees my heart as I cry out before Him on behalf of each of my children. I know this, and yet, there is still a part of my heart that weeps over it. I wish I was tucking them in their cribs and bunks tonight with much laughter and kisses and hugs and reading and prayers. Jessica with her Teddy. Mike with Duke, and Laura with her monkey.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing. You have done a wonderful job.

Jan said...

Terri, I don't know why that feeling is so universal. When I see mamas with their babies, I want to go up to them and say "Enjoy them, enjoy them." Beautiful post.

Kim said...

I have so often lamented this same feeling! Yet I don't think that is really what God wants us to do. Thanks for putting this into words! It's nice to know that we are not alone in this!

Dawn said...

Thank you for the encouragement. Those of us still wrestling toddlers all the way up to teenagers really enjoy the gentle reminders to smell the is too short.

Tonia M said...

Thanks Terri! After a tough evening with a 5 year old tantrum in a public restroom, this was a sweet reminder that "this too shall pass" and to enjoy the fun little things with my girls!