Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Change is Good, Change Has Its Emotions....

How can it be the end of August already? This month has flown by so fast. As I look around my home, I see:

boxes, taped and ready to be taped

laundry to still do

some things for the Goodwill

more things to pack

walls to wash, oven to clean

groceries to still eat

It has all happened so fast. Change is good. To get out of the "rut" and take the leap of faith and be obedient to what the Lord is asking of you. It doesn't come without emotions though.

The hardest part of leaving Oregon will be saying goodbye to those I love. So many wonderful people who have entered my life since moving here 13 years ago. So many who have invested into my heart and loved me. So many who have been wonderful examples to me. Plus all my coworkers at Horizon Air. Oh, how my heart loves them and they have been the most amazing team I have ever worked with. I love them to pieces and wish I could take them all with me!

I can't imagine hugging my three precious grandchildren goodbye. My heart aches and weeps just thinking about it. Maybe just maybe someday the Lord will move them to Alaska too.

As for this change we are about to embark on: We have been born for this! The Lord has been preparing us and preparing Alaska for us and we are thrilled!!!!!!

So as I look towards the next few weeks, it will fly by fast. It will be full of last minute packing, cleaning, hugging, and tears of saying goodbyes....I am going to try to savor each moment.

This is what life is made up of, making memories to cherish.

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