Saturday, July 21, 2012

Packing, Selling and Goodwill Days Ahead...

I am tired just thinking about all that is ahead for me in the next few months....BUT excited too, so it keeps me going...

I am in the midst of selling off some items that we will not be taking with us to Alaska. We are simplifying. Who needs all this stuff anyway? Less is more....

We don't have a definite date yet of departure. Looking around the 1st of October.

I am looking to transfer to Alaska Airlines in Anchorage. Trusting the Lord to work that all out for me.

In the midst of all the emotions and busyness of my life right now, I look forward to sharing my life, with my honey, with the body of believers at Skyline Foursquare in Anchorage! We love them!!!!

Just want to keep you all updated on the process of the faithfulness of the Lord in our lives!

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