Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day #4 Friendships and Shuttles

Shuttles are a wonderful thing. Especially when they are free. We get shuttled to the hotel from the airport and back. We get shuttled from the hotel to the training center each morning and then at day's end. And tonight a few of us took the adventure of taking a shuttle to the big mall.

We walked around, then found ourselves at the Olive Garden for a nice sit down dinner and had to connect with everyone giving each other our face book addresses, showing off pictures of our families on our cell phones... and just bonding as new friends. There is something about going through something together, that bonds you.

Our days are full, with a few breaks and 45 minutes for lunch. So it is mostly in class learning. Today, I printed off my first boarding pass and ticket and luggage stip. YAHOO... now, when tomorrow comes, will I even remember how to get into the system? many codes, so much to learn and I love every moment of it.

It is challenging and keeps the brain alive and working. They are teaching us without using a mouse...YIKES, everything has to be done from the keyboard. Lots of shift, control and alt keys.

Time to call it a night. My pillow is very inviting.....

p.s. I bought two pink headbands at the mall :}

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